
Cincinnati VA Medical Center

3200 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH 45220

Dr. Colleen Martin, PhD.

Co-Local Site Investigator

Dr. Colleen Martin is serving as a co-lead site investigator for the COMPASS study. Dr. Martin has recently completed a two-year position as a Research Psychologist on a Department of Defense grant-funded study and has been actively engaged in PTSD research for the past eight years. She is also a COMPASS study therapist. Dr. Martin has multiple years of expertise conducting trauma research and PTSD treatment within the Cincinnati VA Medical Center.

Dr. Kathleen Chard, PhD.

Co- Local Site Investigator

Dr. Kathleen Chard is serving as a co-lead site investigator for the COMPASS study. Dr. Chard is also the Director of the Trauma Recovery Center and Associate Chief of Staff for Research at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center. Additionally, she is responsible for overseeing hospital-wide research at the Cincinnati VA. Dr. Chard is an international expert on stress and traumatic stress with years of experience conducting research using survey and laboratory methods across VA and academic medical center settings. She has conducted numerous funded studies on PTSD treatment and is internationally recognized for her work in this area.

Zoey, Study Coordinator

Phone: (513) 546-2714

Zoey is the Cincinnati VA Medical Center (CVAMC) COMPASS Study Coordinator. Zoey assists with study recruitment/enrollment, as well as managing day-to-day local site operations. Zoey truly enjoys being part of the Cincinnati COMPASS Study team, interacting with Cincinnati veterans, and working towards examining PTSD treatment options for veterans with substance use disorders.

Recruitment will be maintained by Zoey, the study coordinator. She will recruit participants via phone call outreach. However, in-person visits are possible when needed. In-person visits will be completed at the Fort Thomas VA in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. If you have any site-specific questions, please call Zoey.