PTSD therapy used in this study

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woman vet

Trauma-focused therapy addresses thoughts or memories related to one’s trauma.

Non-trauma-focused therapy involves learning about how PTSD relates to one’s current difficulties and problem solving of current life problems.

The project will test which approach is better for reducing symptoms of PTSD and which is more likely to be completed by 420 patients at 14 VA Health Care Facilities nationwide. It will also test whether veterans with varying substance use patterns and preferences for treatment respond differentially to the two approaches. The project, titled Comparative Effectiveness of Trauma-Focused and Non-Trauma-Focused Treatment Strategies for PTSD among those with Co-occurring SUD (COMPASS), will be the largest study to date examining psychotherapy treatment options for patients with both PTSD and substance use. The findings will guide patients and providers in making individualized treatment decisions about how to best treat symptoms of PTSD for those with co-occurring substance use, such that more veterans will experience meaningful improvement in their PTSD symptoms and their overall quality of life.

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